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What is the price per square meter of PVC plastic floor?

PVC plastic floor is a new type of material for floor decoration. It not only has the characteristics of compression resistance, wear resistance, environmental protection and sound absorption, but also shows the effect is very good. Now it has been recognized by many consumers. Said so well, I believe everyone should really want to know the price of this PVC plastic floor per square meter?

In the current market, plastic flooring is numerous in terms of brand and type; the price of each decoration material is also uneven, and there are many factors affecting the price of plastic flooring, different thickness, different quality, different uses, price per square meter of plastic floor. There are differences, from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, the performance of PVC flooring at different prices is not the same, mainly depending on the application.


1. PVC plastic sports flooring is mainly used in indoor basketball courts, table tennis courts, badminton courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, gymnasiums, dance studios, kindergartens, schools and other sports venues;

2. PVC commercial flooring is mainly used in hospitals/rehabilitation centers, airports/buses/stations, gymnasiums/dance studios, shopping malls, workshops, etc.;

Of course, the price of PVC plastic floor per square meter is also different from the geographical area, and the price will be different. The introduction of Xiaobian is only for everyone's reference. The specific place depends on where you are and what you want to choose. For the brand of plastic flooring, if you need to know more about the price of plastic flooring, please consult the wing plastic flooring!

The main products of Yichen Plastic Flooring: plastic floor, PVC floor, sports floor, uv series, homogenous core floor, suspended assembled floor, rubber floor and other products, the products are sold not only to the national market but also to the vast overseas market. Wing Cng.hen flooring has won the unanimous trust and praise of customers at home and abroad in terms of product quality, service and after-sales. Welcome to consult the wing Chen plastic floori

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